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Security patches in Firefox 3.0.6, upgrade urged
Well my dear computing friends, there's a new release of Firefox out: 3.0.6.
This release of Firefox brings a number of security fixes of different levels of priority, four of which are 'moderate', 'high', or 'critical' in nature.
For those of you that are new readers to our blog, we recommend Firefox over Internet Explorer, but as with quite literally any software you run, there is a chance of security issues.
When it comes to your web browser, these security risks are multiplied many times over since it is the web browser that most of us use for most of our interaction with the net (the second most being our email client: Outlook, Thunderbird Eudora, or similar.)
When it comes to your web surfing, choosing a browser like Firefox and an email client like Thunderbird can mean a significantly improved, safer web browsing experience.
Combine that with an Internet security suite, and you've got a winning combination for complete computer security
If you haven't yet had chance to Download Firefox, 3.0.6 is a good release. At very least have a look at that link and our rationale behind why we (and many others) choose Firefox over Internet Explorer. For those so inclined, here's a complete list of Firefox 3.0.6 security patches along with the Firefox 3.0.0 release notes.
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