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Major Spam / Scam Source Killed
Good news in the world of anti-spam and anti-virus today: the Washington Post's security blog, the aptly named "Security Fix," announced today that thanks to their data gathering spree, what appears to be a major spam / scam ring hosted by www.McColo.com has been shut down!
Just how much spam was this? A third party security firm, the blog says, estimates McColo was responsible for 75% of the spam today.
Wow. Even if that estimate is off by a factor of 10, even killing 7.5% is impressive.
After presenting the evidence to Hurricane Electric and Global Crossing, two of McColo's major Internet Service Providers, McColo's connections were yanked.
Turns out, according to the Washington Post piece, the fine folks at McColo seem to've been hosting a, "... client list experts say includes some of the most disreputable cyber-criminal gangs in business today."
According to Benny Ng with Hurricane Electric, one of McColo's ISPs,
"We looked into it a bit, saw the size and scope of the problem you were reporting and said 'Holy cow! Within the hour we had terminated all of our connections to them."
Nice work, one and all.
For full details, check out the original post about their efforts at stopping spam.
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