10 IT Security Companies worth Watching

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10 IT Security Companies worth Watching

Kevin R. Smith

Network World, long one of our favorite magazines / sites for all things network and security related, has a 5-page piece on a few of the many interesting computer security companies.

Each company tries to tackle different challenges many of us face in computer and network security. All-in-all it's an interesting read, but given the nature of Network World, it's really aimed at enterprise security and not so much at the average consumer / home PC user.

An interesting read no less.

Security Company... Noteworthy premise...
1 Behavioral Recognition Systems Takes digital video streams and analyzes them for potential threat information.
2 CoreTrace Keeps track of just the programs that are supposed to be running on a computer rather than trying to catch everything that isn't.
3 Envysion Provides managed video surveillance services including the installation of cameras in business locations.
4 Guardian Analytics Helps banks prevent fraud by analyzing customers accounts to look for suspicious behavior
5 Metaforic Prevents software tampering, piracy and theft. Can shut the program off or take other protective steps.
6 nexTier Networks Monitors and blocks sensitive (i.e. confidential) content in transmission across networks with a data-leak prevention network appliance.
7 NovaShield Detects / blocks so-called "drive-by" downloads. Designed to stop malware not ordinarily detected.
8 Packet Analytics Analyze traffic between computers on a network by looking at the logfiles from those computers to make profiling and analysis easier for network engineers.
9 Purewire Protects enterprise users from malicious-code attacks while surfing the Web online.
10 Rohati Controls user access to applications through access-control lists done at the network level.


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