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TDSS Botnet Has a Firefox Add-On?!
The TDSS botnet, regarded as
the most sophisticated threat todayaccording to Kaspersky Labs, makers of Kaspersky Antivirus.
And now, apparently the botnet is proving to be such a menace and so difficult to detect, its creators have even gone so far as to create a Firefox Add-On to make it easier for anyone using the botnet for anonymous surfing to switch from one hijacked connection to another.
Brian Krebs has more detail on the TDSS Rent-a-Bot Botnet Details.
What's so scary about this aspect of the TDSS botnet, which appears to be capable of being used for anything you can imagine, is that this part of it means you can have someone surfing the web as if they're using your computer to do whatever they want.
Here's a screenshot of a few of the infected PCs being rented for web proxy service:

The evil possibilities are endlesss.
Imagine what you could never imagine you doing yourself on your computer. Imagine what you'd never want your computer being used for. Now, imagine someone else is doing these things on your computer. And you don't even know it.
In my mind, I'd call Kaspersky's assessment spot on.
And if as you read this you're thinking to yourself, "Oh, but I know my computer isn't infected. I'd know it! Pfft. I don't need antivirus software." Sure about that, are you?
Sure enough that you can explain why your computer was downloading illegal pictures at 3AM? Or pirated Hollywood movies? Or stolen data from a military base?
You're that sure, are you?
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