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Firefox 5 Released by Mozilla Foundation
What does this mean?
It means if you're running Firefox, you must upgrade to keep your PC secure.
No ifs, ands, or buts.
What's different?
As far as looks go, it's pretty much identical to Firefox 4, so there won't be any surprises there.
Computerworld has a brief write-up of the changes, although this bit summarizes everything handily,
"So now what?" you ask?Although the company said it added more than 1,000 improvements to the browser, most were minor bug fixes or tweaks.
"Among the most significant changes were enhanced support for HTML5 and new support for CSS (cascading style sheet) animations.
If you're running Firefox, upgrade now. Don't wait. Don't put it off. Do it now. Older versions are--as of June 21, 2011--officially unsupported.
Translation: no security updates.
So, if the bad guys start targeting the old version of Firefox, which they will, you're putting yourself at risk. It's not worth it.
Just take care of it. It's free. It's fast. It's easy.
Where do you get it?
Download Firefox here.
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And what you do you know? It's now rolling off FireFox 10. 5 version changes in less than a year.
Posted by: | 03/14/2012 at 01:46 AM